Fees sent to collection 2 years after having lived there.

By CougarCourt

I’m looking for some legal advice or suggestions on how to deal with a property management company that has recently sent fee,s to be paid, to collections. The company, Axiom Property Management, had recently taken over the property just before we left Cougar Court Apartments – Rexburg, ID. The onsite management did a thorough inspection of the apartment and sent us a full security deposit refund. Now 2 years later we get a letter in the mail from a collections company saying this property management company is assessing a $320 fee for replacement of kitchen linoleum for "burn marks". Is that even legal?!?! There have been at least 2 tenants that have lived in that apartment since we have, and for some reason we’re the ones being charged for this replacement? The kicker is as we were leaving the onsite manager said that our apartment was one of the cleanest they had seen after a tenant had moved out. What’s this about?


Edited on: Tuesday, August 24th, 2010 11:16 am

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