Evicted and Judge apon without me knowing

By Keith Wood


Hi, My daughter had a judgement of Eviction placed on her record without her ever being served. This went to court and  Judge placed and eviction on her file. The eviction occured in August 2010, she lived in the apartment paying the rent every month up until December 2011. When she moved out her balanced show 0 and she was never informed about any eviction.

Now it’s 2013 and she’s trying to get an apartment and this is how she found out about the eviction. She called the complex which is under new management but they show no record of a eviction. What is the easiest way to get this back into court and corrected.

Also, she contacted the Sherriffs office and they show papers being served but they don’t show who signed the papers when they were served.

Please help, we are at a lost and we’re not sure what to do.       



Edited on: Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 12:47 pm

One Response to “Evicted and Judge apon without me knowing”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 13th, 2013 5:30 pm

Hi Keith! This is a difficult situation that your daughter is in. Eviction is a pretty long process and each step requires a mailed notice to be sent out to the affected renter. You can start by getting documents from the postal office that the mailed notices have been sent out and who received them. They should still have the records even if it’s been 2 years already. Next, you have to get a written notice from the apartment complex certifying that no eviction order has been filed against your daughter. A copy of the document from the Sheriff’s office might also come in handy. Then with these documents in hand, get a lawyer to represent your case in court. Good luck! I hope the eviction record gets deleted.


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