
By anonymous

Hello I have been in my apartment for a year. My 16 year old daugther started getting bit in February but I didn’t think anything of it because she slept with her window open and there is gaping holes in the screen (another story in itself). I went out of town and she brought her cover in my room and slept in there while I was gone. Well maybe a week later I started to get bit and saw a red bug the size of a seed on my bed. I had no clue it was a bedbug until I googled it. Well to make a long story short as possible I contacted the landlord thinking I was doing the right thing and she advised me that she would send pest control and they came and verified it was in fact bedbugs…they advised me to bag all my clothes and pay 500.00 for treatment…I knew the apartment next to me was infested with bedbugs before I moved it was told to me after I had signed the lease…that tenant moved out and another tenant moved in and had a guest that had brought bedbugs in her clothes..same apartment different infestation….the landlord became upset when I notified my next door neighbors of what was going on…called me patheic in front of pest control and told me not to come back in her office…I am on Section 8, I filed a complaint against her they called her and advised her that she was responsible for the treatment…I also turned in my 30 day notice on March 22…This past Friday I came to my apartment and there was a eviction notice stating tenant damages…I called her since I cannot come into her office..and she said the damage is bedbugs….we do not have a infestation..I threw away me and my daugthers mattresses….we live in go into every room in the house but my room and my daugthers room and have not been bitten since we closed off the rooms…I am looking for another place to live but I need to know my rights..Oh and my apartment still has not been treated. I think this is a legal matter at this point please help..

Edited on: Monday, April 2nd, 2012 3:32 pm

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