deposit not returned

By cheryl carey

Have been waiting for deposit return since I moved out end of Feb 2010. I have not received notice of any reason why deposit has not been returned. He wanted his last month rent because he said how things not done by using security for last month and that he also had some problems come up. I knew then he was not trustworthy and would not have my money either to return that we didch has given as deposit. I thought security from renter was to go in account whicah he did not do. And if he knew what is to be done,why was this not followed as well as letter to me after 30 days when I moved out. Watch out for this landlord and leak not fixed at property.

Edited on: Saturday, September 28th, 2013 2:06 am

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deposit not returned

By Sherry

Tried your rental protection-conclusion force needed,then pa attorney general-conclusion came to impass,went through magistrate and did get decision in my favor but they say may have to order a lien. What happens when a lien is applied and will I ever get money awarded? This landlord had said he never gives even half of deposit back and I will not see anything.

Edited on: Friday, April 12th, 2013 11:43 pm

One Response to “deposit not returned”

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May 12th, 2011 11:48 am

Try filing out this form. an RPA agent should assist you further.


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