Deductions from deposit refund

By Jade

My former landlord has deducted $150 from the security deposit refund. He states that this is for: "quite a few small and minor things", no detail. This is after he asked me to arrange for the cleaning and expressed satisfaction from the condition of the house. I think he is just trying to get away with something assuming I will not bother to fight after him over $150… What do you think I should do?

Edited on: Friday, August 30th, 2013 7:52 pm

One Response to “Deductions from deposit refund”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 13th, 2010 2:10 am

Hi Jade,

You are right, your landlord can’t charge your security deposit based on a generic statement like “quite a few small and minor things” by law he is required to provide you with an itemized statement showing you exactly how he has deducted charges against your deposit. I would dare say that your landlord is probably old school and not familiar with the deposit law.

Since the amount is only $150 it may not be worth it to pursue it. It depends on whether you want to do it for the money or for the moral issue. If you want to dispute it strictly for money reasons, it could still be worth while, but if you are more interested in getting even with your landlord, then it would definitely be worth going after.

Instead of worry about the proper way to dispute your security deposit charges; I would just tell you to file a complaint with the RPA. They will dispute the charges for you, but it will cost you $35 to file a complaint. So, is it worth it? Might be.


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