data privacy

By anonymous

i am frusterated…my land lord is a manager of my appartment building witch is a coup. owned. i have been here almost  2 years and very concerend of my landlord letting friends and family use the office computer.There are all tenents ss card numbers drivers license numbers bank account personal information that other out side persons should not get a hold of.Her her friends and family use face book do their personal shopping banking etc. also she has gave the keys to the office to a tenent who was plantinf flowers for the landlord how do i know this person did not steal my information> or the file cabinet was locked. She alo had a un licensed tec. recover the office computer witch scares me she had no antivirus on the computer and how do i know that person who recovered it did not steal information. I have complained to the courp. office they have done nothing where do i go.

Edited on: Wednesday, June 20th, 2012 5:12 pm

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