Cosigner questions
By Sharaye
Ok, so here is my issue, my cosigner says that I have to let her daughter live with me. She is supposed to pay a quarter of the rent. We have been here for almost two months, she has not paid for anything. I am 98 percent positive that she is stealing from me, 350 dollars has come up missing since we moved in, along with various other items. I called my roommates mom to ask her what I was suppose to do about it or what I could do about it. When I told her that my rent money was stolen she told me that if half of the rent wasn’t paid by today then she was going to call the landlord and have me evicted, and re rent the apartment. Can she do this? What can I do about her daughter? Myself and my daughter are the only ones on the lease. Please I am at a loss here. I am living with a thief and being blackmailed into letting her live here.
Edited on: Friday, January 14th, 2011 10:48 am
One Response to “Cosigner questions”
Sharaye January 14th, 2011 10:54 am |
Also, I was told by my landlord that my daughter and myself were the only ones to be living here upon moving in with roommates mother(who is also the cosigner) present. |
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