Construction Noise Complaint

By Erin P


I live on the 2nd floor in a loft in Downtown Los Angeles.  Construction on a wine bar set to open on the first floor of my building began about a month ago.  Jackhammering on concrete, manual hammering on metal and piping, not to mention the general noise from the construction crew talking and playing music is happening right under my unit and I can hear all of it.  The building owner included a notice of "possible and probably opening of businesses on the first floor" clause releasing them of any complaints by tenants, but I’ve read online that even with a clause, a tenant received an inherent understanding and guarantee to live in peaceful conditions, and mine are far from that.  Ideally, with construction set to continue for AT LEAST another 2-3 months according to the building manager, I would like to get out of my lease.  The noise is affecting my sleep and overall mental health.  Do I have grounds for legal action/what is my next possible course of action?
Thank you!
Erin P

Edited on: Monday, July 8th, 2013 3:39 pm

One Response to “Construction Noise Complaint”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 8th, 2013 8:05 pm

Hi. It is your right as a tenant to have a quiet enjoyment when you are renting the rental unit. Your case does not differ even though your landlord is making any constructions on the apartment, you are still entitled a quiet enjoyment. You can file a complaint against your landlord if you want.


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