Consent to BedBug extermination

By lilypad

I have been living in my apartment for several years now. I am an excellent tenant; I always pay the rent on time and take care of my apartment. A few weeks ago my whole building received a notice about an inspection for bedbugs due to a reported infestion in some apartments. My apartment was checked and it was clear; no bedbugs were found. But days later I received a call from the building administration saying that my apartment needed to be "sprayed with chemicals" (words landlord used) to prevent an infestation because several apartments around mine had bedbugs. I am not comfortable with insecticides, pesticides, or other chemicals being sprayed in my apartment due to health and safety concerns. I find this unreasonable and in violation of my rights especially because I have been living here for almost a decade and have never seen a bedbug nor even heard about an infestation. The building management keeps pressing for me to let the exterminators enter my apartment and spray their chemicals as a prevention. But I find this unecessary, dangerous, and in violation of my rights as a tenant.

What could be the consequences in NYC if I continue to refuse this intrusion? Could I be evicted? What are my rights as a tenant?

Edited on: Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 8:05 pm

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