
By john

Can I  by chance be exempt from paying further rent at a house where I found after a year of living here that the sprinkler system control is in my room and the owner of the house and her offspring feel they can come in at anytime , or knock and ask to come in , then lie and say I gave the son a"hard time" when i politely asked them to wait till i got dressed? the place is owned by an elder lady who soils the bathroom  causing me to clean a mess on the toilet, the floor, and the counters when ever i walk in there. I was told i could use the aminities but 2 weeks after i move  in , find i cant do laundry on friday night or saturday day, I work!. I used to be more generous and understanding but  when i realized there was no limit to favors asked  and that  my work, job interviews other aspects of my life were expected to come second to them ,after weeks of running errands, being asked to cancel plans, and rides given to a person that paid no attention to the time I showed up and waited for her while she was 15 minutes to a half hour late, i tried to make it clear that I didnt have that much more of this  to offer other then the expected rent. her daughter comes in at any givin time with big dogs that tear through the garbage bags and cause messes for me to clean up, then has the nerve to ask me if I can "clean up more". I clean up daily and have to make a trip to the bathroom become a 15 minute clean-up job,including a shower each time i need to use it, not to mention the toilet being clogged several times a month. Believe that I do clean! the dog who she used to keep locked in the house would soil the floors several times a week and I need to wear sandals to feel clean around the house.  I hardly use the kitchen (and I only have one shelf in the refrigerator that I share with another tenant, which gets used by her , our food either squashed, or pushed aside when she sees fit.when I moved in I thought i had use of a light for my room but there wasnt an able person that cared to fix the electricl problem that causes me to use 2 small lamps that hardly light my room efficiently . Im curious  what someone would answer to this  I simply cant move out this month and most likely the next either yet , but what seemed like a place where I could live and be of some servce to someone, seems like an ungrateful advantage is being taken of me.

Edited on: Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 2:51 pm

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