Collection Agency Threats
By Cadvocate
Dear RPA:
Here in California, we have so much systemic corruption it’s hard to continue to try to live here and enjoy the weather.
Approximately 6 months ago, my husband and I were evicted from our affordable housing unit. We had been in litigation for almost 8 months prior.
We reported the complex and current owners to numerous federal, state and local officials regarding improprieties within the presumption period of 6months – prior to notice of their intent to "terminate our tenancy". Because we represented ourselves and were also assisting others in the complex with their civil rights regarding these improprieties, when the building went into foreclosure and was taken over by another owner- the new owner decidely ignored our repeated request to rectify our initial "tenant grievance", and served us with another notice to "terminate our tenancy".
We put up a formidable defense in court to outline clearly what events led up to these erroneous and retaliatory notices- yet we were deprived of not only— due process, but also of our repeated "fee waiver" requests for an appropriate "jury trial" request. We are now attempting to pursue the appeal- despite the fact that we were instructed to move out — in order to do so!
Now as we stand — attempting to work diligently on our brief to the appellate divison—————the Management Company of the complex we resided in is attempting to intimidate us and repeatedly harrass us through a collection agency- trying to collect some "enormous – prefabricated -unitemized – and un-justified amount"! This amount was not substantiated by the court nor indicated in any previous demand by either the management company – nor the ownership of this complex.
We would like to attempt a "Cease and Desist" letter to the management company- but wish for advice on this matter- so as not to have further retaliation evidenced to the credit bureaus, before the conclusion of this case. Can you advise?
Edited on: Saturday, August 6th, 2011 6:39 am
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