Cold Apartment, tons of maintenance issues
By anonymous
So my girlfriend and I broke the number one renter rule, we signed before seeing our actual apartment just the model. We moved in November 26th and we have had 18 maintenance requests. These have been from the heater going out, water leaks under the sink, to massive gaps around the door causing serious air leaks. The thermostat does not work, they have admitted this. It allows you to set the temperature but it does not say what the current temperature is. We have our heat set at 70 and so far our store bought therometer stays between 55-65 as the extreme ranges. We have blocked off our windows, fire places and use space heaters in our bedrooms, yet these run 24/7 at 70 degrees because the apartment is that drafty. We have sent a maintenace request to have our front door fixed due to the massive gaps and they have been out here once in order to look at it, and it was not fixed. The thermostat has had several maintenance requests sent in about it, yet it has not been fixed. At this point we have had a 200 dollar electric bill and a 400 dollar gas bill for a two bedroom 2 bath apartment. We have asked to bet let out of the lease but they have refused to work with us and we must give a 60 days notice to vacant, by that time winter will be almost over. At this point we our living in our guest bedroom using towels under the door and our space heater to keep the bedroom above 65 degrees. We have had several other issues as well such as moving in to a very dirty apartment (they did give us a 50 dollar credit for this). At this point we have no idea what to do and are debating about staying with family while we leave this apartment to sit for the next few months. Does anyone have any advice? Is this complaint worthy?
Edited on: Sunday, December 30th, 2012 10:42 am
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