COCKROACH infestation & BLACK MOLD in Florida.

By LisaJo

Hello. my problem is multi faceted and quite a mess. the immediate problem is we have been in our current apartment 12 days and have made verbal notice twice and written notice once of the cockroach infestation here. There is a Clean Out scheduled for tomorrow, and we now have to pack all out things out of the kitchen/bathrooms…BUT the vacant upstairs apartment had garbage sitting out on porch 12+ days in Tampa heat AND these bugs are everywhere! the new carpeting was laid over top of dead bug parts & filth! they are crawling out of the vents, outlets & drains! we were transferred to THIS complex after just 2 1/2 months at prior complex that we found had BLACK MOLD. now we just want out of the lease..away from these complexes & our rent back so we can afford to move. is that possible? i am on SSI dissabiltiy for mental dissorders & am very frail emotionally. i feel being stressed about this is putting me at risk. can you be of any help? PLEASE? we JUST moved here to Florida from Montana Aug. 2nd, and i am so overwhlemed by all of this. CAn we get the lease cancelled & our money back??

Edited on: Sunday, November 11th, 2012 8:56 pm

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