Unwanted Landlord Entry, Cleaning Services Demands

By anonymous

When doing repairs in the fall, the landlord saw the apartment and said it was too filthy (mind you it is very very clean.  she saw it during the period where we were moving in.  We are very attentive tenants and clean throughout the week constantly.  We actually repaired a lot of damage the tenants prior left) She tried to sneak a cleaning service was part of the lease for the 2011-2012 lease but we told her that was not ok, so it was erased.  Even after our new rental agreement she is threatening to cancel our lease if we do not get a cleaning services.  is this legal? Our new lease has no mention of a cleaning service.  my apartment is spotless and she has not seen it since move almost a year ago.  I do not want to invite her over to the show the apartment.  She would, regardless, criticize in any way.  She has been difficult through all issues.  Should I file a complaint?

They said my apartment smelled like a “Cat” when one of the landlords illegally entered our apartment yesterday morning.  The cat is in the lease.  This is their claim for needing a cleaning service.  They denied entering the apartment but confirmed that it smelled like “cat.” We have asked numerous times that they have to give notice and have failed to cooperate.  They also deny any allegations.  Should I file a complaint?

Edited on: Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 1:58 pm

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