By Loobird

AMAZING RENTER NO PROBLEMS REPORTED. PROBLEM: Paid $85 for a ‘security deposit/insurace plan’ covered up to like $500 when we moved in. Upon moving out I now owe $320 AFTER all my rent and utilities is paid. they DID NOT TELL US we needed to SUPER clean our apt like when we moved in. when i called to ask i was told that $65 was for a cleaning co. and everyone pays for place to be clean after. it wasnt dirty, im a clean person…and apparently the $65 is for CARPET SHAMPOOING ONLY…but now im being charged for $20 toilet, $30 oven, $25 refrigerater…and the list goes on until about 260$ in CLEANING FEES!!! so i asked why doesnt my security cover it…said it just doesnt…WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?! she siad ‘any damage i did is not covered by the deposit’ so what the F is my deposit covering??!! then i fell into my door moving furniture while it was closed and it popped out of the frame…and for some reason this necessitates REPLACING THE ENTIRE DOOR…does fine just needs to be hammered back into frame (i didnt do it cuz im a girl and dont want to mess it up) and my deposit dopesnt cover this either because I DID IT…what does it cover then??!!!!!!!!! omg i am so mad…. how can they get away with this?! please help.

Edited on: Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 3:23 am

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