Charging Lost Rent after Lease Expires

By admin

Can a landlord legally charge past tenants "lost rent" in Washington State after a lease expires for the time it took after the lease ended to repair damages done by tenants?

Edited on: Friday, January 9th, 2009 2:18 pm

One Response to “Charging Lost Rent after Lease Expires”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 12th, 2009 2:52 pm

If you had tenants that left the apartment in poor condition that required major repairs to be done, it it possible to pass the lost rent onto the tenant. I can assure you that there is no specific law concerning lost rent due to damage caused by vacating tenant. However, the courts will look at this type of thing on a case by case basis. Different judges will give different judgements. Some may allow for the lost rent while others will only consider the actual damage and repair costs.
Either way, you will only be able to charge your tenants based on fair time-lines. So if the repair could have been reasonably completed within a couple of days that is all you should be able to collect from your tenants.
This is a tricky landlord question, and its probably not worth the effort to pursue such charges as lost rent, but it is possible.


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