Charged for water 22 months later

By pat

We moved into our apartment on May 4 2011. In the lease we agreed to pay for water,we would be billed every quarter even though water here is payed bi-monthly. We signed the lease. We were never billed,invoiced,texted,or called by the landlord since then. On February 14 2013 we received a letter stating we owed for this 21 1/2 month span for the water. Included were copies of the water bills. We find this to be rather shady. Does anyone know if there if a time limit on collecting this money from us? Is there any legal action we can take or are we screwed. Thanks for the help.

Edited on: Friday, February 15th, 2013 5:11 pm

One Response to “Charged for water 22 months later”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 15th, 2013 6:14 pm

During the months that you were not billed, did you even ask the landlord why? Are the bills under your name or the landlord’s? It could be that the landlord has been getting the bills and just paid them. Then he realizes that you signed a lease agreement saying you will pay for the water bill and is now asking fore a refund. Aside from the copies of the water bills, you can also clarify it with your local water company.


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