I gave my landlord 30 days written notice with my last months rent that I was moving. I called them the day I vacated letting them know the keys and my new address were in the kitchen. They have not returned my security deposit and won’t take my calls. (90 days later!!)Did I give proper […]
Is there anything we can do if the landlord refuses to fix a noise complaint or is slandering us to others. Our rent is always paid on time. Thanks Much 😀
My landlord has not paid the water bill for the past two months. I come home from work and notice my toilet will not flush. I called the water company and they told me that the landlord did not pay the bill and he will not sign to have the water turned back on. In […]
My son and his wife moved in a 2 bedroom moble home with my wife and I. We own the home but rent the lot. We have lived here 6 mts before my son moved in. The land lord wants to charge us dubble rent for the lot becouse he says their is 2 familys living […]
The lady that babysits my 6 months old daughter is on disability and has section 8. Her ground level apartment leaks around the sliding glass doors which soaks the entire carpet in the living room. There is constantly an odor of mildew in the apartment and we both have expressed concerns of mold and how […]
My boyfriend and I have been in our current apartment (in Ohio, Cleveland area) since March 2008. We signed a one-year lease, but as of the end of February 2009, weren’t sure if we wanted to move out yet. We have since decided that our monthly rent was too much for us to handle, so […]
My land lord requires that if you want to move something out of the apartment you book a freight elevator. I sold a sofa and tried to book the elevator. My landlord has refused to grant permission unless I come up with a notarized letter saying I am will be responsible for the rent for […]
Date: Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 12:52 pm Category: Landlord Problems
I’ve been living in my 2 bedroom apartment for 15 months. I have signed a lease to go through the end of December, 2009. About 2 weeks ago, my landlady sent a letter to me and my boyfriend (who doesn’t live with me… we’re not sure how she got his name and address) saying there […]
This is a house sectioned into apartments. My neighbors have recently been evicted because they haven’t been able to pay rent with one unemployed, the other having a part time job and an infant. The infant had a rash for the entire time she had been there (born about 6 months ago, they moved in a year ago), and […]
I moved into a new apartment in the beginning of September of this year (2008). At about this same time, new management took over our apartment complex. They are a complete joke. They manage (or at least say they are managing–but I beg to differ) our complex, along with a low-income complex a couple of […]