I have recently been infested with Bedbugs. The infestation is no where near as bad as some people, but its enough to cause a few bites a week and make me not want to sleep in the apartment anymore. My landlord has had an exterminator company come out once to take care of the "problem", […]
I went to the leasing office on january 23 at 10:30 am to sign the contract, I read over it and initialed at the bottom of every page. No where in the contract does it say anything about the noise that the pipes make when hot water is turned on in the building. After i […]
I’ve been in contact with my former landlords and now they are putting off talking about the deposit. It has been a month since I have moved out and the landlords still claim they need to talk to some people. Although since I last talked to them the husband has had some physical problems and […]
i paid what was going to be my new landlord on the lease agreement she stated that first months rent and animal deposit was due agust first it is going on the second week and she still has not done any repairs and i found my problems with the house and she never took the […]
Date: Saturday, January 21st, 2012 5:14 pm Category: Landlord Problems
I came home to the place i rented room to find me and belongings and myself out of house. No notice. No refund of monies. I rented a room from a friend lol that insisted i give up my apartment to rent room from him to help us both out, I gave up my apartment […]
Date: Saturday, January 21st, 2012 4:19 pm Category: Landlord Problems
I have been renting a room in Morgan hill, ca…this house is a mess, she is a hoarder, piles of everything under the sun are EVERYWHERE !!! there is no space to use in the living room, kitchen counters OR use of a kitchen table to even eat at. MY ROOM is my space, but […]
Date: Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 11:37 am Category: Landlord Problems
What is the law about landlords, maintenance and others insisting on going in your apartment without your permission or any notice. Also after I have stated many times over that they are NOT to do so. I live alone and damage has been done to my apartment BY MAINTENANCE on more than one occassion. I live […]
Date: Monday, January 16th, 2012 6:19 pm Category: Landlord Problems
If a landlord starts construction in the business apartment below, is it their obligation to tell the residents living above that there will be construction and noise. Are they obligated to make some sort of accommodation while the construction and noise is going on when the lease states that excessive noises are not permitted.
I have lived in my apartment for almost 2 years. I live in a 4-plex apartment, 3 of 4 four apartments have been occupied by the same people for my entire stay here. I have never had an issue with any type of bug until 6-7 months ago I had a neighbor move into the […]
I have lived in my apartment for almost 2 years. I live in a 4-plex apartment, 3 of 4 four apartments have been occupied by the same people for my entire stay here. I have never had an issue with any type of bug until 6-7 months ago I had a neighbor move into the […]