I have an infested apartment .. termites and bed bugs bites..termanix has said that the landlord need to tent the 15 unit complex and treat the groud for subterrain termite.. what are my rights the land lord has $3000 security and last months rent is there a way to protect my self … it is […]
Hi there, I have a question on what actions/rights I have with my situation. I am a condo owner in a 3 flat in Chicago for the past 7 years. The second condo unit owner on the 2nd floor has been renting out his place for a few years now. We never had an official […]
I recently moved out of the apartment I lived in for 4 years. I cleaned for a week before turning the apartment over and I left it in better shape than I got it. There were, however, two areas that needed repair 1.) a broken window and 2.) a layer of the wall, in the […]
I recently notified my Landlord of Bed Bugs and asked him to please fumigate my apartment. He is very adament about not paying. I not only was lucky enough to capture one in a plastic bag but have documentation of lesions on my body. A pest control technician came out searched my apartment to determine […]
I own a two-family apartment building. One tenant has been smoking marijuana and the smoke/smell transcends the rest of the building. It is offensive to the other tenant, but they are afraid to say anything for fear of creating bad relationships, retaliation, etc. How should I handle this situation?
Can I cancel my property lease agreement if I have not moved in yet? I am in Arizona.
Hi My family and I have recently moved back to Florida and have rented an apartment in what we thought was a very nice complex. We moved in in June and it is now November.. We had two previous downstairs neighbors who never had a complaint. However last month we got a new neighbor. This man […]
Rene Trujillo |
NV |
2 year renter under lease agreement 2 moths month-to-month |
My lease agreement ended on February 2011, and I didn’t want to signed a new lease because my landlord wanted me to signed at least a 6 months-lease and I am planning to move to my house on May 1st. I am currently paying my rent month to month, before going to month to month […]
In my lease agreement, it states that I have to have the septic tank pumped out prior to vacating. I am vacating next week, and my landlord told me that the tank caps are somewhere in this 10 square foot area, “he thinks”. Being a good guy, I dug a three foot deep hole that […]
I purchased the check, ran it, and had it emailed so why didnt i recieve it?