I am a renter off campus near my school, we have a one year lease for our house. Since I moved in I have had an on going problem with my roof leaking, and the landlord’s so called “repairs” not holding up. It has gotten to the point where my mattress has suffered enough water […]
The problem with sharing an apartment with someone is that when disagreements arise, your roommate may threaten to take you off the lease agreement. If you are not well-informed then you might get all crazy with such a threat. But know that there are conditions that your roommate has to meet before you are taken […]
Under most state laws, landlords are given the responsibility of providing housing that satisfied the set requirements for habitability. Habitability requirements include adequate weatherproofing, structurally safe buildings, available water, heat and electricity and clean and sanitary premises. Other than the state laws, local building codes will also set the standards for the minimum requirements for […]
The security deposit is usually equivalent to a month’s worth of rent. In some cases, it could be higher. The tenant laws are available to make sure that we could get our security deposit back once we decide to move out. But the use of the security deposit depends on each state. For instance, in […]
jeff |
MI |
11yr lot renter in mobile park |
I live in Cheyenne, Wyoming and have been renting since August 2010. Upon moving into my basement apartment my wife and I reported a leaking shower head and the landlord stated to us that he would fix the leak within the week. He never did anything to remedy the problem. Well here it is the first of […]
When entering into a lease agreement, I don’t really pay attention to its clauses. All I’m interested in is to move and get settled in to my new apartment. A few months after I moved in, problems would start to come out and depending on the intensity of the problems, I would like to have […]
As part of Fair Housing, most landlords would do background checks but the degree would depend on their discretion. From a landlord’s point of you, they want to make sure that they are only renting to the best tenants around. This process of screening would also be beneficial to the community because somebody who passes […]
Have you ever been tempted not to pay rent? I mean, it takes quite a chunk off your monthly salary – money that you could have spent on something else. However tempting it may be, you know it’s not right, all the time. Even if all hell has broken loose with your landlord, you just […]
I was renting a house in Orlando, Florida. The lease began on April 1, 2012 and ended on December 31, 2012. My roommate and I had access to the entire house with the exception of the master bedroom which the landlord kept locked and used for storage. Our landlord was supposed to be out of […]
is there a law in florida that requires landlords to replace the carpet every two years? i have heard this more than once, but I cannot find it in " Chapter 83 LANDLORD AND TENANT" of the Florida statutes. maybe its in reference to mold & mildew? I am not sure. But my old landlord […]