Hi, My question is…..If I sign a yearly lease with a 30 day cancellation clause, does that mean that if I give my 30 days notice I am no longer responsible for the rent for the rest of the year after the 30 days. Thanks
I’m being charged $400 to replace the carpet in the apartment i just moved out of, due to "pet urine stains." But in the 14 months that i lived there, not one animal ever set foot in my apartment. No friends’ pets, no family pets, no pets whatsoever. The landlord said the previous two tenants […]
Hi, I moved out of my old apartment and my old aparment management is charging me for bed bug treatment and 3 weeks of rental charge which comes to a total of $1600. I had already informed the landlord about bedbug issue about 2yrs ago and then they cleaned up the place at that time […]
I subleased a room in a townhouse in May of last year. The lease was month to month. I physically stopped living at the premises in March of this year however I still paid the rent of the months of April May and June. I turned in my 30 day notice on May 31 and I had until July 1 […]
I moved into this new apartment last month & i started realizing this last past week i couldn’t BREATHE in the bedroom. little to my surprise there is black mold in three windows of the apartment. i am really allergic to mold. i have asthma which rarely acts up but i am nearly to the […]
Bogus estimate for Pest Control. My tenant lives over two yeras in the apartmeent, After he rerurned from a vacation to Central America he complain about BED BUGS biting him and interfering with his sleep. I sent two very reputable Pest control companies to assess the problem. their reports indicate no evidence of bed bugs […]
I am a responsible landlord, my tenant complains of bed bug bites and rashes. I sent TWO reputable Pest Control exterminators who stated in their report that they did NOT found ANY evidence of bed bugs alive or dead ( skeletons), not fleas or any other pests. Tenant presented me with an "estimate" […]
I am being charged for carpet replacement throughout the unit due to pet stains. I had a pet there for 1 month. the dog was older and had been house trainded for years with no mistakes. I am fairly confident that these stains are stains that resubmerged from the under carpet padding. I was given […]
Deductions for cleaning can only be made if the cleaning is necessary to return it to the condition in which you got the place. If you leave it as clean as you got it, no deduction for cleaning is allowed, and the landlord has the burden to prove the difference. Even if the landlord spent […]
I used to be in a very bad situation because I couldn’t handle my finances very well. The issue is not just because I skipped rent payments but it’s actually worse than that. I had to file for bankruptcy. I just couldn’t take the stress anymore so I had to admit that I didn’t have […]