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Landlord has breached contract multiple times. What can we do?

Shelby NC former renter
Date: Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 7:03 pm
Category: Apartment Complaint, Frustrated Renter, General Topics, Landlord Problems, Legal Questions, Rent Horror Stories, Renter Q & A

Our lease is up at the end of this month and we’re in the process of moving, but we just found out that one of our landlords has let people inside our apartment at least 3 times in the last week or so without giving us notice of any kind. The lease clearly states that 24 hours notice […]

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tenant breaking lease and DIFFICULT landlord

Frustrated Tenant IL Renter
Date: Monday, February 13th, 2012 5:14 pm
Category: Frustrated Renter, General Topics, Landlord Problems, Legal Questions

I have a lease agreement that expires in November 2012. I need to break lease and am planning on moving out by March 1. I verbally told the landlord of my plans, and he told me he would charge me a $2,600 realtor fee (equal to one month’s rent), and would list the unit to […]

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Problem with my NOISY NEIGHGORS

MzPee CA a long time renter
Date: Sunday, February 12th, 2012 7:28 pm
Category: Apartment Complaint, Frustrated Renter, Legal Questions

This is a complaint on the neighbors in apartment XXX; they are playing their music unfairly to loud. The base is so loud the walls and floor shake outside my apartment in hall way. Needless to say in my apartment I can also hear them in front room/kitchen/bathroom and sometimes but not least bedroom.. If […]

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Noise ordinance in apartment building start time

Frances Andersen US renter
Date: Friday, February 10th, 2012 8:43 pm
Category: Frustrated Renter

I have lived in my apartment for 4 years now and for the last 5 months the neighbors across the hall have been loud and direspectful after 10:30 3 times a week.  I have called the landlord, the super and the cops along with other neighbors calling also…And I have contacted the cops for the […]

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Extra rent because of bad bug treatment on Move-out

imMe CA Former Renter
Date: Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 7:47 pm
Category: Apartment Complaint, Frustrated Renter, Landlord Problems, Legal Questions, Renter Q & A

I was renting apartment in San Jose, CA.  My Landlord charged me $2400 (which is one month rent for the apartment) extra for the bed bug treatment on move-out. Am I responsible to pay extra on month rent for their treatment.? They also charged me $1500 (Cleanig + bed bug treatment), which I’m willing to […]

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Rotting Trees

Heather WA Long-time renter
Date: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 5:41 pm
Category: Frustrated Renter

I am having some major problems with my property management company. There are a few VERY dangerous trees in my front and back yard. I cannot give a professional evaluation of each and every tree but even I can see that some are rotting. A few of the trees are starting to lose HUGE branches. […]

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bed bugs cost

narender pydisetti US renter
Date: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 12:34 am
Category: Apartment Complaint, Frustrated Renter, Legal Questions

I’m a virginia resident and staying on lease. During routine inspection the landlord found bed bugs in the apartment and has asked me to pay for the treatment. What are rights in this case? Am I legally bound to pay the landlord or should I seek legal help. I know for sure atleast in other […]

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rental property where landlord puts house for sale

MDHouseRenter MD Renter for 3 years
Date: Monday, February 6th, 2012 8:12 pm
Category: Frustrated Renter

I’m looking for advice on our situation. Our home needs some major plumbing maintenance in which our landlord says that we can’t live there during the repairs. On top of that he has been looking to sell the house. We began on a month to month lease agreement about a year ago. But he mentioned […]

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Mice and in an apartment

Raya IN New Renter
Date: Saturday, February 4th, 2012 12:37 pm
Category: Apartment Complaint, Frustrated Renter, Landlord Problems, Rent Horror Stories

I currently live in my apartment and I have been since October of 2011, I live in the building alone and have a young child. When I moved in my apartment everything was okay but slowly but surely my happiness with the apartment has drawn a very thin line, I have to constatly call the […]

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Dont know what to do

Klaw US Seriously frustrated, and disgusted renter
Date: Wednesday, February 1st, 2012 11:24 am
Category: Apartment Complaint, Frustrated Renter, Landlord Problems

My boyfriend and i moved into these apartments around the 3rd week of October.  Since we have moved in (over the last 3 months) we have had to put in 2 work orders to have a few small problems fixed in my apartment.  Small things like my broken closet door (cant open) and the kitchen light that was […]

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