Carpets cleaning is tenants responsibilities ?

By Miki


My husband and I have lived in the same apartment unit for 9 years.We will be moving out next month to our own place. The landlord sent us a letter with a long list of things we are expected to do at the move-out time. One such a thing is carpets cleaning but I am not sure what they mean by that. Do you know after how many years landlord should be replacing carpets? We tried our best to keep them as clean as possible by cleaning them a couple of times a year but there is a normal wear – &-tear that goes beyond cleaning. I thing the carpets are original since 1984 when the complex was built- It was in a bad shape when we moved in back in 2003.
The same goes with the stove , counter surface, etc.Thank you so much!

Edited on: Thursday, October 18th, 2012 5:52 pm

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