Can’t mold in your home allow a break in the lease?

By Milly

With mold tests, I was unsure how to ask my landlord if he could the entire house. If he doesnt want to spend that much money on doing that or if he is trying to be difficult I feel he will say no. If he doesnt test the whole house I dont want to live there anymore. How do i know what they fix and test if he allows me to stay in the house n pays for a hotel while we are waiting for our home to be decontaminated.

Edited on: Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 7:44 pm

One Response to “Can’t mold in your home allow a break in the lease?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Mark Fairall

January 7th, 2013 11:29 pm

No not in Arizona. We have been hurt by a mold problem at Sun Grove Resort Village three years ago. My wife is very sick from the rejection of her transplanted liver caused by her exposure to the toxic mold. Attorney Felecia Rotellini is helping us pro bono to get our three year HUD complaint opened.

Only five states have laws to protect renters from mold. We are attempting to get the Arizona Lawmakers to pass the Renter’s Mold Protection Law like the one in California. It the apartment house can not be cleaned up from the mold the law allows for the destruction of the dangerous moldy property. Please contact your Arizona Lawmaker and request that Arizona has the Renter’s Mold Protection Law.


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