Can they really make me pay for parking in a handicap place

By Michele

 I moved in here about 31 days ago. I parked in front of building, roommate parked in front of building with the permit to park in front of apartment building. There was no handicap places for me. I complained, and the office then immediately, 3 weeks later, put up a sign for handicap parking in front of the building. And only one space.They know there is two people living in this building, me and someone else on the 2nd floor. She is the one that told me about the other disabled person here. Sometimes I get the parking space, and sometimes, i have to walk from group parking, down two buildings from mine. Which is a very very painful walk for me. My ability to walk 50 feet, is ok with assistance of a cane. Anymore than that, causes my feet to hurt much more then usual, which is a lot of pain to begin with. That walk is terrible on me. There is only 13 spots available for parking in front of our building. Two spots have been taken by people living in another building.

So anyway, she (office manager) sent out a letter stating that the person who is assigned to the individual handicap parking, they call special parking. can have anyone towed immediately for parking there, anyone. Even another handicapped car. The person who gets this parking spot also will get a special permit to park there. And they want an additional 42.00 now for March and April’ and a normal $35.00 a month to be able to use that spot, handicapped parking, for only one car only. This money would added to our rent. The first one to the office tomorrow morning with the money order gets the spot. I have to compete with a neighbor up stairs for a parking spot for handicaps. They do not have handicap parking at other buildings.

My question to you is:

With having a disability, i am on a fixed income, can they legally make me pay for a handicap parking space, in order to even park there?

Edited on: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 7:32 pm

3 Responses to “Can they really make me pay for parking in a handicap place”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


March 23rd, 2011 6:34 pm

Also I live in Arvada Colorado. In reference to the above question:

“can they really Make Me Pay $ to Park in handicap parking


April 4th, 2011 12:43 am

I would go to the local police station and ask there, or also search for handicap laws in your area. I take care of my mother and have a permit for my car. also i found out they have to have BY LAW a certain number of handicapped spaces per parking space/ or tenant. my building only has 1 handicapped space, but the 2 of us who live there also have 1 regular space and a garaged space so we actually have plenty even without the handicapped space.

also i work in a hotel and was told by a guest that it is illigal for us to charge him our valet fee to park onsite so I would really look into what your building is doing they may actually be breaking the law. Some apt managers try to make tenants pay for the trouble they have to go through to abide by handicap laws as they dont like to have to be up to code if noone knows that they are not.


June 4th, 2011 5:51 pm

Im operations manager for a parking management company in south florida. our company operates and manages parking facilities all over united states, and most of our clients are hotels. we have always had issues with handicap parking because people think handicap parking is free. here is a quick explanation about how handicap parking works. handicap parking is free in street spaces or city operated parking facilities but handicap parking in private parking facilities is subject to be charged. by law any parking facility (public or private) is obligated to have a certain number of handicap parking spots, but again if this is a private managed or owned facility, handicap parking can be charged. eg: parking facilities where to enter you need to press a bottom in a machine to get the gate open and before leaving the facility you go to a self-serve machine to pay your ticket don’t discriminate if you have a handicap tag or not. you need or have to pay in order to get the exiting gate open. i hope this is a little bit more clear now.


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