Can the landlord increase rent on a 12-month housing contract if it is stated that the terms of this contract shall continue in full force and effect?
By Alex
I’m putting everything under the Renewal Clause Down here.
Renewal: If prior to the Expiration Date of the Term, Resident executes a binding Housing Contract with Owner for the next succeeding term(a "New Housing Contract"), the terms of this Contract shall continue in ful force and effect until the beginning of the term provided in the New Housing Contract ( the "New Term"). Nevertheless, resident shall remain liable for all amounts of Additional Rent which may be or become due and owing hereunder prior the the commencement of the New Term. Resident’s renewal is null if found in default under this Contract.
My situation is that I want to renewal the contract with the current payment of 2500 but the landlord is asking for 2650. I don’t know if this term helps to enforce current rent. Thanks for all your valuable advice.
Edited on: Sunday, May 26th, 2013 12:36 pm
No Responses to “Can the landlord increase rent on a 12-month housing contract if it is stated that the terms of this contract shall continue in full force and effect?”
Can the landlord increase rent on a 12-month housing contract if it is stated that the terms of this contract shall continue in full force and effect?
By Alex
I\’m putting everything under the Renewal Clause Down here.
Renewal: If prior to the Expiration Date of the Term, Resident executes a binding Housing Contract with Owner for the next succeeding term(a "New Housing Contract"), the terms of this Contract shall continue in ful force and effect until the beginning of the term provided in the New Housing Contract ( the "New Term"). Nevertheless, resident shall remain liable for all amounts of Additional Rent which may be or become due and owing hereunder prior the the commencement of the New Term. Resident\’s renewal is null if found in default under this Contract.
My situation is that I want to renewal the contract with the current payment of 2500 but the landlord is asking for 2650. I don\’t know if this term helps to enforce current rent. Thanks for all your valuable advice.
Edited on: Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 4:53 am
One Response to “Can the landlord increase rent on a 12-month housing contract if it is stated that the terms of this contract shall continue in full force and effect?”
Ellen February 13th, 2013 6:18 pm |
The landlord has the right to increase your rent after the end of the current term. However, an increase of $150 sounds a bit too much if you ask me. If you don’t want to pay the increase, then you may have to move out at the end of the lease. Are all the units in the apartment full? If not, how many units are unoccupied and for how long? Maybe you can use that as a bargaining tool. You can also try to check the rent of the apartments in your area and see if you can convince your landlord that you keep your current rent. |
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