Can new landlord impose new 12-month lease?

By Gavin Day

I moved into an apartment in Oklahoma in 2009 and signed a 12-month lease. After a year, I went to a month-to-month arrangement. (In other words, the landlord didn’t ask for another 12-month lease). In 2012 the building was sold. Last week (April 2013) the property manager wrote to me saying that the owners wish to have tenants sign a new 12-month lease in July if they wish to stay. I’m wondering whether it is within their rights to require this. I would prefer to stay on a month-to-month basis in case I decide to move at some point in the next few months. Don’t they have to honor the month-to-month arrangement that I’ve been on since 2010? 

Edited on: Thursday, April 25th, 2013 9:53 am

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