Can my mothers landlord decide when her grandkids can visit and how long they can stay?

By Enedina Sanchez

My mother has been living at this mobile home park for about two months and since then has recived more than 5 ridiculous notices. The landlord claims that my mother is running a daycare when in fact the children she watches are her grandkids. He also claims that we the visitors do not abide by his 5MPH speed limit in the park. Is this legal can this ridiculous man have a say when and how long a grandmother can watch her grandkids? His latest notice claims that if the children are there at her mobile home (which she ownes) that he is gonna strt charging her $50.00 per child i mean can this man be anymore wierd? i believe he lives alone with his ten dogs there fore has nothing else to do because this so called manager is never available, i guess hes too busy looking at his 8 video cameras he has placed around his house and at the entrance of the park. It brings me to tears to think that a person can be this way. can anyone help me as to what are my mothers rights because we have reviewed the park rules and regulations and knowhere on there does it say you cannot have your family visit you while you are living at thispark.

Edited on: Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 12:15 am

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