Can my landlord legally fine tenanets who are not under a lease for noise violations?
By judy
I live in an apartment in a historic building with paper thin walls. I understand this and ignore resonable noise at all hours, but 2 weeks ago one of my neighbors in the building on a Tuesday night threw a party that lasted till 6:30 in the morning with over 30 people and the stero on in a way I could make out the words to songs playing. At least 4 people in the building asked them to turn to keep it down which was completely ignored and I know several tenanets complained to our Management company.
Since then, in an effort to retaliate my neighbor on the other side of me has begun throwing similiar parties and refusing to turn it down. At this point there has been 5 seperate occassions in 2 weeks that I have been kept up til 4 am and later by this rivialry that has nothing to do to me. I have spoken to both neighbors in effort to get them to understand that I go to work at 8am and therefore can not be up til 4 after the incident to which the response has been just wait until the bigger party we are planning for next week and its a large joke to them. At this point I am at a loss and don’t know what my options are. I planned to go up to the office today to discuss this issue with our landlord, but would like to offer a sugestion on how to repair this problem, because I know they are being overwhelmed with complaints back and forth between the apartments who are feuding. But if I want to keep the job I have that allows me to pay rent in the apartment I love, something has to change.
Is it Legal for our landlord to fine tenanets who have noise complaints filed on them between the hours of 10 pm and 10 am? Every apt in the building, 8 in total are on a month to month basis and are not under a lease.
Edited on: Saturday, March 5th, 2011 2:26 pm
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