can my landlord do this

By admin

I am moving into an apartment and I think they are overcharging for the water bill. I was told that it was not a set fee, but is billed to you every month by the landlord. Instead they divide the bill between the tennants, meaning if the people in the building use more water I will be charged more. I am single and at my apartment now my bill is the same for water every month, $21.00. I was also told my bill will be from 35-40 dollars per month depending on how much water is used in the building, not just by me. This sounds like something is being done illegally, and people ,especially single, will be charged more even if they don’t use more water. Can they do this? Technically they could send me a bill for 100 dollars and there is nothing I can do. No disputes, nothing. Is this LEGAL?

Edited on: Friday, August 3rd, 2012 2:45 pm

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