Can my landlord do all of this?

By Tenant

In regards to 9812 Ruggles Street and the property of Joey Kruse. 
Joey Kruse allowed a vagrant to stay with her and while he did he stole money from me as well as destroyed some of my personal property (my car tailight) She continually brought him back after swearing she wouldn’t. She would drink at night and stay up all night beating on walls Yelling as loud as possible while the vagrant would antaganize her more and more.  Some nights I got maybe 2 hours of sleep because of her.  The last time he was there she got mad that I was upset he came back and She (Joey Kruse) came down and assaulted me with a rolled up shirt (like a whip) and destroyed a bunch of my property as well.(this includes throwing my antique dishes at me and forcefully removing everything on top of my shelves.  She did pay for the damages(Only because I filled a police report) when she sobered up but then she started to come down while I was not home and rearranged my rental area the way she wanted it at least 2 or 3 times.She would also give me eviction notices saying that I broke some rule that didnt exist (per the lease) Only to retract it a few days later after I would spend a few days looking for a new place.  She also never gave 24 hour notice and entered my area and my room as she pleased.  One day she said there was a water leak and she had to inspect for damages.  There was no leak and when I got home she had gone through all of my stuff and stole the lease and documents pertaining to the assault she did to me.  Then for the last 2 months I lived there I did not get any mail, one day I went to dump her trash and found bank statements of mine in her trash. I checked the recyclable trash and found 17 letters of mail that were mine which she had thrown away.  I had to get a lock for my room door, which being the owner she had to have a key because the breaker was in my room, and she would go in there daily and leave the door open just to tick me off.  Upon it snowing, she would wake up at 5am and shovel all her snow on my side of the driveway.  She also would intentionally put her trash rite in from of where I parked so I had to get out and move it before pulling in the driveway. She would block my entryway with a trashcan daily. After I found my mail in the trash I told her that it was enough and I was done and wanted my deposit back.  She sent me an email telling me to vacate the property within 19days and told meI wasn’t allowed on the property after Feb,28th and that I had  to clean and vaccume the place.  and that she would have no further contact with me.  Upon moving out stuff she would continuesly shut and lock the door everytime we went up or down the stairs making it harder to move stuff out.  After I moved stuff and cleaned the place (better than it was when I moved in) I showed up with the key to get my deposit back, and she wouldn’t even come out of her room thus she did not return my $400 deposit. I am glad the Joey Kruse nightmare is finally over but now I have to waste more time and spend more money because I am filling charges for mail fraud and I Need to know how to get my $400 deposit back. -Brent

Edited on: Thursday, October 17th, 2013 6:24 pm

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