Can I fill out a police report for thousands of dollars worth of clothes my landlord tossed on me withing 5 days of Hurricane Sandy
By peggy kadel
I rented a bayside apt in Lindenhurst. My apt flooded 3′ water. 3 days after Sandy I went to my apt to inspect damages my
landlord had my door bolted, I had to enter my apt thru her garage. Nothing in my apt was ruined, except my bed was wet and 2 pieces of furniute seemed beyond repair, but ALL of my clothing, handbags, lines had stored high, they were bone dry. My Landlord said "You have to get your stuff out of her in 24 hrs – I have to gut this place" I was unable to go there the next day, I was in shock & sick. 2 days later, I went there and everything I owned was in my driveway & backyard, she said she and her family’s constrution firm bagged up all my clothes, possesstion and put it on my outside deck. I removed all the bags in 3 days, stored them all in my (born again 65 yr old man’s) locked basement. I was supposed to return to my apt., but 2 mos later when repairs were almost done on it, my LL informed me that she was raising my rent. I told her I could not afford it and asked for my Sec Deposit back, she refused saying "I had expenses moving you) Meaning trashing most of my furniute behind my back and bagging up my clothing, and all possessions. I had to contact the NY STate Attny General Office, they called her and she then agreed to return my Sec Deposit…BUT, she made me sign a very short "Release" I did because I wanted my $$ and dopey me trusted her thinking I had ALL my possessions.
Months later last week, I went to my friends basement to get some summer clothes, and I see I am missing half of my closet’s contents, all my dresses, skirts, etc…14 pricey handbags….about $3,000 or more worth of possessions she Did ot have bagged up. She admitted to tossing out my furniture, and can only assume she tossed out half my clothing as well.
My question is since I signed a Release, can I still sue claiming I was under "duress" which I was? I had no idea at the time I signed the release, that she did me further damage. AND, CAN I FILE A POLICE REPORT FOR THE 120 mISSING iTEMS of clothing? I know she either HAS them somewhere in her house, or tossed them out on me like she did my dry sofa, loveseat, TV’s DVR’s? What options do I have here. I don’t want to file a police report if the police go and check out my friends basement, as he is being very kind in allowing me to keep my stuff there at no charge these past 8 months and I don’t wish to impose on him further. THANKS
Edited on: Thursday, June 20th, 2013 8:46 am
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