Can I complain about apartment mold?

By LaVonne

I have lived in my apartment for about two years. Six months into my residency, I noticed mold in several places. I clean it and it just comes back. A few months ago, I thought to myself that it appears that the mold was an apparent issue with the previous tenants. I checked to see if there were any complaints about the apartments where I live, and sure enough there were several complaints about the mold problem. One reviewer even went as far to say that it looked like the staff painted over the mold before she had moved in. I was stunned because I was just thinking the same thing. It must be true. The owners take us for fools, but we are not. How can I get help with this issue? It’s not fair that we are taken advantage of, while they make tons of money. You put down a deposit and when you move out you get less than $100 if anything at all, because the place was falling apart before you moved in.

Edited on: Friday, February 24th, 2012 12:40 pm

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