Can I be evicted for noise complaints with no proof?
By Jessica
I recently moved into an remodel apartment and the neighbor below me is elder and he has continuously complained to the landlord that I have been having people over every night and been making loud and excessive noise which is completely untrue. However, I was given a notice of default for the reason of excession noise violation. I do not see how this is legally possible because I have not done anything to enhance the noise and when I do have people over which is rarely its only one at a time. I called the landlord to ask her about the notice and she preceded to tell me I was not a good fit to live there. I do not believe this is fair because I have not done anything to cause excessive noise it is just the way the apartments are made. My question is, can the landlord do this without proof of noise if I am doing everything to keep the noise down?
Edited on: Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 10:48 am
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