Can I be evicted for declining pest control?
By Kristine
On Saturday the rental agency put a notice on our door that our complex was being sprayed for cockraoches. On Tuesday my husband received a call from the Pest Control Company that they wanted to spray inside our apartment for cockraoaches on Thursday. They said we needed to remove everything out of the cabinets and everything away from the walls and to be gone for 4 hrs. I can’t move heavy furniture and where I’m I going to put all of this and my plants? My other major concern is mine and my husband’s health. Do to the chemicals in the spray it will cause me to have an asthma attach and my husband has a weak heart. On Thursday the rental agency called me and said it is mandatory to have my apt sprayed. I told them I have lived in this apt for 8 years and never had one cockroach. I have a natural pesticide which I have sprayed in my apt and have baits and boric acid balls under the cabinets, range hood, sinks and fridge. I don’t want this done due to the chemicals and my asthma. I also asked which apt was infested because my neighbors to the left and right of me don’t have them and neither does the neighboor below me. They didn’t have an answer and didn’t say anything so I hung up. We only have 24 units in our complex and 8 units per section it’s in a shape of a U. The Pest contorl company said they already sprayed a unit last week. Why on earth wouldn’t you spary all units at once then one at a time since they tell me if I don’t spary mine the roaches will come to my apt. Can I be evicted for not letting them spray if it will cause me health problems? I live in Redding, California.
Edited on: Thursday, June 20th, 2013 10:16 pm
One Response to “Can I be evicted for declining pest control?”
Marie June 29th, 2013 12:11 am |
Hi Kristine! Sorry to hear about your concern. Did you inform your landlord about your concern on the chemicals? I guess if there are risks to your health then you should not allow the chemicals inside your place. I don’t think there provisions on your state laws that states that you can be evicted if you refuse such treatments. You never did signed any documents saying that you will be evicted right? If there are no documents then, you don’t have to worry. |
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