can a landlord change the amount of charges owed after you are given a written notice of your charges
By sonya rogers
I am a single mother of three and was working when i moved into the apartment complex, I had to go on maternity leave to have my third child and was told by the landlord to go apply for section 8 while i was on maternity leave. i then went to section 8 and gave them my verification of income. i was issued a voucher at that time. After three months my landlord was in the hallway of my apartment complex and told me that i did not have a voucher and i would have to pay full rent and at that time my mother and my grandmother was helping me with my twin girls. I told the manager that there was no way that i could afford to stay if i diid not have the voucher. I could not give her a written notice at that time because she was actually in the middle of another conversation with another tenant. I have been homeless going on four years with three kids because the apartment complex is saying that i owe them money. the amount at first was 1500 now they are saying it is 2800 l dont know what to do i have the papers saying it was 1500 that they gave me can they change the amount. My mother and Aunt shampooed the carpet and cleaned my apartment before i turned the keys in so there was no damage or dirt left. please help
Edited on: Monday, February 21st, 2011 4:24 pm
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