Building owner stealing electricity from us
By Geena
After 16 months and wavering volatge and breaker issues I investigated the 2 flat owner occupied house.
Edited on: Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 3:49 pm
One Response to “Building owner stealing electricity from us”
Mike February 19th, 2013 6:29 pm |
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I guess you never had the chance to do a background check on your current landlords, judging by the haste in which you left your recent apartment. So anyway, let’s break down your situation into bits. For the issue on electricity, I think you should let the professionals handle it. Call your local electric company and report the problem. They will send some of their people out to check and confirm your suspicions. They might also be able to tell you as to how much you have been overcharged with so you could ask for a refund. Besides, you wouldn’t want your landlord to know about the trespassing that you repeatedly did. They could sue for that. Next, call the police about the harassment. And lastly, can you move to a safer neighborhood? Your previous landlord transports immigrants, your current landlords are a mess…what kind of landlords will you have next? Now if you can’t get refunded for shouldering extra electricity costs and the harassment still does not stop, you can file a complaint against your landlord. RPA has that option. |
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