Broken Leases

By Trish

Hello I have 2 broken leases, at that time which was very close together my mental illness of bi polar was out of control and I ended up in the hospital and Partial Hospital Plan for almost a year. Since 2007 I have moved and moved and moved again and again due to my illness. Finally since 2010 April I have lived at the same address. However, I have 2 broken leases on credit reports not so much of paying because no one rented the apartment bu because of concessions and court cost. They did not evict me though I gave them written notice. But broke my lease. I am on a fixed income fro Social Security Disability. I need to know what I can do, I need to get these paid or something because I will not be able to get
a placee to live when I need to move . Not soon but at some point. I live in Arizona.


Edited on: Saturday, December 21st, 2013 8:37 am

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