Breaking lease
By Georgia
My lease was up and I just signed a new lease on Feb 28th a week later my husband left me and I ask my land lord can I get out the lease since I just signed it. She said she had to hold me responsible and she will have to charge me 2 months rent.
If I just signed the lease how can she still charge me why does she not let me out the lease is the legal?
Edited on: Friday, August 3rd, 2012 2:49 am
One Response to “Breaking lease”
Melissa May 26th, 2011 1:29 pm |
Breaking a lease is not easy, there are second party involved namely the landlord, which is looking for this recurring income from you, the tenant. In your state’s law, when it comes to breaking a lease it will be on the landlord’s side. On the signed lease is a contract that obligates the renter to pay the landlord a weekly, monthly or even yearly sum to live in a tenement. When that lease is broken, your landlord has the legal right to go after you for past due rent and damages. One of the best ways to break a lease is to talk to your landlord about your situation. Be honest and upfront because he might just work with you. Another way is to find a new tenant to take the place and release you from your obligation. It is important that you who wants to break a lease seek legal advice. |
Breaking Lease
By Jeremy
My landlord refuses to give me a copy of the lease, and the leasing office says that the lease was never signed off on. I have been here for 4 months, and have had several other issues. I am thinking about breaking my lease and getting out now. What should i do to avoid paying for the next 6 months?
Edited on: Sunday, March 27th, 2011 5:40 pm
No Responses to “Breaking Lease”
Breaking Lease
By Barbara Green
I am writing you about breaking my lease. My boyfriend and myself moved into this house in Kokomo Indiana July 1st 2010 and signed a years lease. The house was very dirty when I moved in. The wall was torn out in the Kitchen because the bathroom leaked upstairs. The heat went off for two days in the cold winter. The basement has flooded twice and my boyfirend sucked up the water Feb 13-Feb 22nd. The dishwasher does not work or any toliet in the house. We have another problem since we moved in my boyfriends ex-wife was given his house in the divorce and the end of November she left the house to freeze he was lucky to find it empty and save it from freezing and went back to court to get his house back from his ex-wife. The house was behind 7 payments and cost us over $7,000.00 in back payments. Now we have a $1,090.00 a month house payment and a $950.00 rent payment plus utilities on both houses. We are both retired in our 70’s and barely have enough to eat. If we don’t pay the house payment the bank will take it back. Back of America has hounded us since August about his wife not making the payment and since the house is only in my boyfriends name they won’t go after her. My question is there a legal way out of this. We have talked to the landlord but they won’t give us an answer. We asked if we can move out the beginning of April and keep the $950.00 deposit. If they won’t accept that can we legally move out the first of April and just send the $950.00 rent payment. If I give them the rent payment can they re-rent while making me pay the payment until June. If I move out can they keep my deposit and make me pay rent until June?? If I don’t have to pay utilities in both places that will help some. We are paying over $2,000.00 a month for both places. I don’t want them to sue me but we are in a really bad spot. Any help you could give me will help.
Edited on: Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 10:24 am
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