Breach of Lease

By Mike 27

If a property management employee cause major structural damage during a repair to the build and the following issues applied:

·         It was an occupied build

·         No permits were pulled and did not have it inspected

·         Property management has no contractor’s license

·         Made no attempt to repair it

·         The structure of the beam is showing sag

Could this be considered a breach of lease in the state of ca? If so what would be my best course of attraction to prepare a small claims court case?  What laws would apply to such an issue ?

Edited on: Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 8:01 pm

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breach of lease

By arak

is a written lease (contract) for real estate any different, with respect to the statute of limitations in Colorado, from any other written contract that’s allegedly been breached? more specifically, if a tenant moves out at the middle point of a lease, does the statute start running then or does it begin to run from when the lease term was due to expire? thank you.

Edited on: Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 12:28 pm

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