Breach of Contract? Foreclosed house. Should we be paying rent?

By Anon

We rented a house with a two year lease agreement. One month after moving in, we received a notice on the door that the house was in default and would be sold at auction in however many days. Long story short, landlord claims they thought their loan modification went through, turns out it didn’t. But the bank agrees to let landlord short sale it. So we put in an offer. Currently, we are waiting to hear back from the bank as to their acceptance of our offer, we continue to pay rent to our landlord, and the house is supposed to go up for auction again next month. The auction will probably be postponed again since landlord has an offer in on the house (I’m assuming). My question is, should we be paying rent right now? Landlord breached contract of two year lease and is losing the house (to us or someone else), so when are we done paying them our rent?

Thanks for any help!

Edited on: Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 12:52 pm

One Response to “Breach of Contract? Foreclosed house. Should we be paying rent?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 19th, 2013 6:36 pm

I don’t see how a foreclosure can become a breach of contract. Anyway, you should continue to pay rent to your landlord. A foreclosure has nothing to do with your rent. Once the house is sold, you will be notified in writing whether you should continue to pay rent or move. If the new owners want to keep you as tenants then you will be paying the rent to the new owners. But if they want to move to the house, you will need to move out.


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