By Dawn5197
I have a problem that i been dealing with for 3 months now. The girl that lives down stairs from me has bedbugs. She never told anyone that she had them. The way i found out is that she was throwing out her mattress. Then i ask her what she is doing then she told me. So i said did you call the landlaw and she said no. So i called the landlaw on her. So he had call someone to come in and spray all three apartments. So it cost me 150.00 to do all the washing of my clothes. Then about a week ago. I found out that she had them again in her apartment. But the landlaw had someone come in and spray her apartment and no else. Now they are back again for the third time. If the landlaw was not so cheap he should of spray all the apartments that time. I am a single mom and it is going to cost more money to do this agian. What should i do about this. I want to call the health board on him. I been here for 12 years now. There are 3 apartement in here. And one of the persons are moving out because she can’t deal with this again. Now my rent will go up. The girl that has the bedbugs should move out.
Edited on: Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 2:16 pm
One Response to “Bedbugs”
Harra May 22nd, 2012 7:02 pm |
Bedbugs are worst! I got it when I used to live in a dormitory and totally have to throw my infected stuff away. I’d rather sleep on cold hard floor than sleep in my infected mattress. I moved out of that dorm. Anyways, I read the same case and I think this is also applicable to your situation. Check this case |
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