Moved in apartment in Dec, 2009. Began getting mysterious bites, but thought maybe it was little spiders and requested extermination several times by phone…the last time in person. Exterminators found 1 bug in apartment and property manager told us it was none of our business whether or not they had previous problems and she did not have to tell us. Isn’t this a health issue??  She said we cannot tell other tenents about this. ??? We got an eviction notice because we refused to pay for the extermination as we did’t cause the problem..what can we do here? Corporation would rather see us gone than to correct the problem…Also, we would owe an additional $2000  for 2 months rent…nightmare

Edited on: Thursday, May 5th, 2011 9:30 pm

One Response to “BEDBUGS”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 10th, 2011 9:28 am

Sorry to hear about that. As far as a normal lease is concern a landlord/property manager would need to have his units habitable. Being said for any threat / breach to safety would justifies otherwise. Bugs issues are common with the rental community, but it should supposed to be squared out by the landlord/prop manager since you have reported it already. Review the lease you signed up for and have a talk with your landlord. Also an option is to fie a complaint. This is an option that RPA has on their site.


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