Bedbug Infestation to our Brand New Furniture

By Jessica M.

I live in an apartment complex on a 2nd floor apartment. The apartment was infested before we moved in because the first night I stayed there, we still had not moved any of our belongings or furniture in and I was eaten alive in my sleep! The next day, all of our BRAND NEW FURNITURE that we spent thousands of dollars on was delivered and set up. I notified the leasing office of my bedbug issue immediately. They came out and exterminated the apartment with 3 separate treatments in a 3 week time-span. I considered the problem as resolved until about a month later, I was waking up with bites again. I notified them yet again, they did the extermination a second time. We are now 6 months into our 12 month lease and I am having the issue yet again. I honestly think the issue is coming from the surrounding apartments that keeps allowing the infestation to come back to me. I don’t know what to do because now all of my new furniture is still infested! I requested to be moved to another building AFTER they do a third extermination and they do not have anything else available. Are they responsible for replacing all of our infested furniture if the problem still exists once our lease is over? PLEASE HELP because I don’t know what to do!!!????

Edited on: Thursday, September 5th, 2013 7:03 pm

2 Responses to “Bedbug Infestation to our Brand New Furniture”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Robert Register

September 5th, 2013 8:06 pm

Just make sure your landlord is getting good service from the exterminator. I have been in property management a long time and a bad exterminator can make a manger look like a fool. Sometimes it takes a big problem like yours to help a manager realize they have a bad exterminator. One last note make sure you have an infestation if you use that word, sounds like you have a small problem that you are just tired of, the wrong wording in a complaint can hurt your credibility.

Maybe schedule a meeting with the manager and the exterminator at the same time. Hope that helps.


September 6th, 2013 1:37 am

Hi Jessica! Sorry to hear about your bed bug problem. Normally when it comes to bed bug infestations the one responsible to pay for it is the landlord that is unless proven otherwise that the tenant brought the bed bugs in. You can file a complaint against your landlord if you want. You can either file your complaint through your local county or through the RPA’s complaint center. Good Luck!


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