Bed Bugs/Breaking the lease
By Sam
My boyfriend and I recently signed a year contract with an apartment building in June 27, 2013. When we first moved in July 1, 2013, I noticed I developed a rash. I assumed it was a heat rash because of the hot weather or fleas from my cat. When I treated those situations, I was still having issues with "mosquito" like bites. I assumed it was from all of the spiders and called the apartment office to get rid of them in August 8, 2013. I still was having issues and I found some small brown bugs in a section of cracked paint in the wall in September 9, 2013. The exterminator said it was bed bugs. The apartment sent us information about bed bugs and the treatment process. Our neighbors, who was suppose to have the same treatment, refused to let the exterminator in. We have had 4 treatments and still have bed bugs. We have throw out many of our things away bc of the situation.
I also recently had a death in the family that is force me to move to another state. I gave them a written notice on September 27, 2013. I am force to leave this October 31, 2013 to handle to my family’s affairs. The apartment complex sent a letter stating that I have to pay for November rent despite not living there and they are taking our security deposit as well as charge us for any damages that has happen to the apartment (most of the damages are a result of the bed bug treatment)
My question is: Is that acceptable or not?
Edited on: Tuesday, February 11th, 2014 8:40 am
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