bed bugs problem in my trailer

By anonymous

I recently found bed bugs problem in my trailer i moved in 2 months ago. I have asked the landlord to pay for the cost of getting it treated. He found a place to do it for $300 and expects me to pay the full amount. So i told him i want to leave before my 6 month lease and he is wanting to take me to court. We had an exterminator come look at the trailer yesterday and they said that the bed bugs could of hid for a few months because of all the moving. And that they can live for up to a year without eating. I've never in my life had a problem with bed bugs till i moved here. My 11 year old brother got bit up really bad sleeping on my couch. Am i responsible for paying the costs of breaking the lease because of not wanting to pay the exterminator or will he win this one?

Edited on: Friday, November 30th, 2012 6:16 pm

One Response to “bed bugs problem in my trailer”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 30th, 2012 2:46 pm

As you stay on rent in trailer, it can be a huge problem with bed bugs, because from bottom part of trailer many germs and bed bugs issue can easily arise. If it was from before, try asking with exterminators if they can analyse the bugs issue was from before you moved in and then if it’s after that i think could be a issue for you, and landlord will be advantageous here. Also tell your landlord the incident of bed bugs bitten on your brother, also if its such a problem to stay here, you can break a lease in between the term period, provided that you have a good and strong case in hand. If your landlord is not listening to you, take some legal help. Take care


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