Bed bugs, landlord will not allow me to sublet

By Lauren

I moved into my place about 3 months ago. The apartment manager did not inform me of any past or present pest issues. The first night I stayed there I noticed and infestation of bed bugs. I informed management and he did not seemed suprised. He did have a professional pest control company come do several inspections and treatments, however the bed bugs will not go away. I have asked to sublet my lease or get out and they denied any possibily other than paying a huge penalty fee in order to terminate the lease early. What can I do?

Edited on: Sunday, April 21st, 2013 4:02 pm

One Response to “Bed bugs, landlord will not allow me to sublet”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 22nd, 2012 4:41 pm

As i understand, the law states the landlord must only rent a habitable property. So if there is a bed bug infestation the landlord must take action till the infestation is over. During this time, the tenant has a reason to break the lease early or hold on the rent. I guess this applies to all states aside from Arkansas. If the landlord wont take action, see the complaint center.


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