bed bugs in apartments
By Wren
It seems that you have dealt with many bedbug issues. I am having a similar problem as many others. I was the main contact for a large house with 6 bedrooms. My boyfriend and I were the main names on the lease with agreement that we would rent out the other rooms to cover retn. One of my housemates discovered bed bugs in apartments on August 6th. After treating their own room out of pocket, we waited two weeks to find out if everything was in the clear. Then, we discovered them in my son’s room. On August 22, we emailed the landlord. The treatment did not happen until October 8th – 47 days later. I had to move the children out of the house, especially because they started school on Sept 5th. Everyone in the house paid for half o the costs of one treatment and the landlord paid half the other half of the cost. However, one room became vacant during this time as a lady decided to move out. When that happened, I spoke with my landlord over the phone and explained that I could not cover the full rent if the room was empty and that I was going to find a temporary rental until everything was taken care of. He verbally agreed to a rent reduction of $1000 out of $3000. I sent the rent check for $200 in Sept and Oct. Now, he is claiming that I owe him the $2000 after one room remained empty and I had to pay rent elsewhere. Let me know your thoughts.
Edited on: Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 11:56 pm
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