bed bugs extermination

By Pat Kumar

I need advice about my case , I received a letter from my  in the month of Aug stating that my building is bedbug infested and all the apartments will be inspected for any possibility of bedbug infestation . The exterminator inspected my apartment and nothing was found.however, in oct we sensed some activity and they sent an exterminator for the sprays. After 2 weeks they sent us a bill for bed bugs extermination and we called them and explained our part they totally blamed it on us. After that I wrote them a letter stating all the facts and it’s been more than 3 weeks there has been response from the Landlords side. Now the question is our lease is expiring end of this year and we are moving to a different state . We have to rent an apartment there starting jan 1st 2013. Please advice can they mention this problem in the new” Rental Verification From ” with the new apartment landloard. I have been staying in my present apartment for the past 5 years and we have never delayed our rent payments. Please advise Iam really worried if I’ll get another apartment or not?

Edited on: Monday, December 17th, 2012 4:29 pm

One Response to “bed bugs extermination”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


December 19th, 2012 6:18 pm

Hi Pat kumar,

In above case the landlord had already send an exterminator in the month of august for confirming that apartment is totally free for bedbug problems But after a concern period due to communication mistake Again Exterminator Sprays after two week for that both are responsible. Speak with your landlord if any alternate solution for not marking you in rental protection verification also in RPA their is an option for Landlord rating. That can also be used


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